
Park Jimin Facts

  1. His real name is Park Jimin. He was born in Busan, South Korea on October 13, 1995.
    jimin child
  2. His zodiac sign is Libra, his heigh ist 61kg and Blood type is A.
  3. Jimin’s family conists of: Dad, mom, younger brother.
  4. Jimin goes crazy for his younger brother.
    jimin family
  5. He is educated from Busan High School of Arts Now enrolled.Global Cyber University
  6. Pre-debut Jimin entered Busan High School of Arts as the top student in modern dance, but later transferred to Korea Arts High School with V.
  7. Jimin was valedictorian in his pre-debut years (hightest ranked student aka no.1 overall) and he was class president for 9 years.
  8. Jimin's nickname was Ddochi in the middle school .He was called Ddochi by his friend, as he looked like a puppy then.
  9. Jimin was the last member to join BTS.
  10. At first he thought Baby J or Young Kid as a stage name, but then he concluded it was best to use his real name as stage name.
  11. His favorite colors are blue and black.
  12. His favorite number is number 3.
  13. His nickname is Mang-gae rice cake. (Knowing Brother)
  14. He takes the longest to do make up.
  15. He was very self conscious of his looks and cheeks and used to view himself as Fat.(Not now thank god).He went into depression and starved himself because of it. Jin got him out of it and made him eat regularly.
  16. His favorite foods include pork, chicken, duck,fruit, and kimchi jjigae.
    jimin eating
  17. Jimin doesn’t like spinach (Run BTS ep. 65)
  18. He likes a sunny and cool weather.
  19. He has very impressive abs.(Ohh la la..)
    sexy jimin
  20. He jokingly hits other members. It is his way  of showing his affection towards them.
  21. He already had planned his future to be singer and told about it to his parents. They supported him from the start.
  22. After watching a Rain performance,Jimin became interested in a singing career
  23. Jimin, Wanna One’s Woojin and Daniel participated (respectively) in a dance competition in Busan – “2011 Busan City Kids Vol. 2”. In the semifinal ,Jimin’s team beat Woojin’s team , while in the final Jimin and Daniel’s teams confronted.
  24. Once Jimin wrote some lyrics and gave them to Suga. Suga said: “You called these lyrics?!” (the lyrics sounded like a children song). Suga asked jimin to rewrite the lyrics, but in the end Jimin’s lyrics was rejected.
    suga teasing jimin
  25. It is very easy to make Jimin smile and brighten him up. Usually he laughs because of J-Hope.
    cute jimin
  26. Rain, Taeyang (Bigbang) and Chris Brown are Jimin’s role models.
  27. He is most confident in his eyes.
    jimin staring
  28. During ‘No More Dream’ performance, he has a choreography  where he had to kick members and he feels sorry for kicking his members.
    jimin kick
  29. He enjoys reading comic books. He was influenced a lot by comic books him . [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]
  30. According to Jimin, love, money and stage are his happiness are.
  31. Jimin has black belt in taekwondo.
  32. SHINee’s Teamin, EXO’s Kai, VIXX’s Ravi, Wanna One’s Sungwon and HOTSHOT’s Timoteo are some of Jimin's close friends.

  33. Jungkook always teases Jimin about his height.
    jimin's height
  34. He want to steal Rap Monster’s height, V’s talent and gaze, J-Hope’s cleanliness, Suga’s diverse knowledge.
  35. During practice time also, he has to use eyeliner, else he can’t seem to show strong expressions and he will get shy.
    jimin expression
  36. His motto in his life is "Let’s keep trying till we can’t do it any more. "(Profile written by Jimin)
  37. Jimin was ranked 64th in the “Top 100 Handsome Faces of 2017” and 25th on TC Candler “The 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2018”.
    jimin The 100 Most Handsome Faces

    jimin The 100 Most Handsome Faces
  38. His “Fake Love” fancam has already reached 29.3 million on Youtube, which is the most viewed fancam in Kpop.
    jimin fancam
  39. Jimin likes to celebrate other members' birthdays. But he when fans asked him about his birthday and its celebration, he didn't answer. 
  40. According to every member, Jimin is the kindest and the most caring one.
    kind jimin
  41. His left eyes is a bit swelled because on that eye was laid 8 stitches after he smacked it upon the seat of the toilet.
  42. Once,when Jimin was young a dog had bit him. He thought that the dog had sexy legs and wanted to catch him. (perverted from childhood LOL).
    pervert jimin
  43. Jimin’s parents own a café in Busan, where there are a lot of his and BTS's pictures hanging on the walls. His parents love to meet his fans.
  44. Jimin dances popping from 8th grade.
  45. Jimin thinks he is sexy when he is staring directly at camera.
    sexy jimin
  46. Jimin's best movie he has watched is “Always”. He said it was a very emotional movie.
  47. Jimin hated history classes the most in school.
  48. Jimin would like to have 3 sons.
  49. Jimin’s ideal girlfriend include good personality, someone nice having a cute appearance. He would prefer it if his girlfriend would be shorter than him. 
  50. He had an one sided love before. When he was in 5 meter distance from the girl he loved his face turned red, like a tomato.
  51. He had been in a relationship but broke up with her when he moved to Seoul.
  52. His favorite scent on women’s body is almost undetectable floral scent.
  53. Jimin said that he had always liked women with long hair. From when he was a child.
  54. Jimin’s ideal date is to sit on the bench, drink together.He likes to have a countryside date. We would also walk holding hands.
    Jimin's ideal girl

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